vrijdag 21 januari 2011

Apple thinks of sharing apps through incentives

Apple wants a patent system that smartphone owners based on mutual benefits applications allow sharing. Who share an application, an incentive in the form of vouchers, money or badges expect. Patent Illustrations, Patently discovered by Apple, put forward the idea that iPhone applications in the future should include a specific code. The code, which is protected, makes the application identified and further includes data indicating which device is playing it.

The system must be the original owner of the app enable to share in his own cell phone. Could by dragging the application into a separate section on its home screen. The receiver would then directly offered app should recognize, via WiFi, 3G and a peer-to-peer network. In addition, Apple may use his recently exhibited knowledge of near-field communication. Perhaps it is only necessary to transfer to a mobile phone tapping against each other.

Apple smartphone owners on ways to share applications with third. A user of an application example, only a rough copy or demo playing. With the included code played by an application then eventually stop working, and only be reactivated when it is bought. AppStore as a social network also allows a user to only be enabled by sending a description that explains how the app is to buy. Furthermore, the patent proposes to recommend applications for access to an entire group, for instance on the server of a cafe with WiFi. That applications by direct recommendations be discovered, is new to the app world. So far, only apps traceable through consumer sites, iTunes, or online ads. Also the idea of the current AppStore OMD.

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